Public Sector Integrity Commissioner to Table a Case Report Regarding Wrongdoing at Correctional Service Canada

News Release Type
Media Advisories
Publication Date

For immediate release

Ottawa, March 19, 2018 – Today, the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada delivered to the Speakers of the Senate and of the House of Commons his case report of findings in the matter of an investigation into a disclosure of wrongdoing by two executives at Correctional Service Canada.

Both Speakers will table the report on March 20, at which time the Commissioner will issue a press release and a video statement.

The report will also be available on the Office’s website immediately following tabling in the House of Commons.




For more information, contact:

Edith Lachapelle
Manager, Communications
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada
613-946-2138 or 613-294-1678