Public Sector Integrity Commissioner Finds Wrongdoing at Correctional Service Canada

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For immediate release


Ottawa, March 19, 2024 - The Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada, Harriet Solloway, tabled a Case Report in Parliament today regarding Correctional Service Canada (CSC).

As a result of a whistleblower coming forward, Commissioner Solloway launched an investigation into the allegation that CSC management committed gross mismanagement when they failed to take timely and adequate action to locate and repair a leak at the Matsqui Complex, allowing chemically treated water to leach into surrounding soil for nearly four years.

This report highlights the importance of management accountability. Many individuals in management positions were aware of the leak, and they failed to take sufficient action to mitigate impacts over a period of years. As a result, millions of litres of chemically treated water leached into soil near an aquifer, agricultural lands, and salmon habitats.

A core value in the public sector includes, among others, stewardship. Stewardship is not simply about cutting costs. The Values and Ethics Code for the Federal Public Sector defines stewardship as the responsible and careful use of public resources, for both the short term and long term. This would include proper maintenance and repair of government assets, such as heating systems.

“In reviewing the evidence, it becomes clear that CSC management did not take undertake adequate and timely remedial action, demonstrating serious errors impacting safety and potentially harming the environment—not reflecting responsible stewardship of government funds and assets.”

Please consult the Case Report for further details. You can also view Commissioner Solloway’s full statement on YouTube.




For more information, contact:

Bronwyn Johns-O’Hara
Manager, Communications